Dry Eye Treatment: What Methods Are Most Effective?

Dry Eye Treatment: What Methods Are Most Effective?

Dry Eye Treatment: What Methods Are Most Effective?

Dry Eye Treatment: What Methods Are Most Effective?

Everyone loves to have healthy and comfortable eyes. However, dry eyes are the contrary. They cause an uncomfortable burning or stinging sensation that can affect your vision. Fortunately, there are various effective treatments to relieve the problem.


What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a condition that occurs due to inadequate production of tears or an imbalance of tears to lubricate and keep your eye surface moist. The lack of enough tear production or an imbalance in the tear film makes the eyes uncomfortable.

Tears play a vital role in naturally lubricating your cornea to help reduce the effects of friction whenever you blink. It washes foreign things from your eyes to keep your eye surface clear. The natural proteins in your tear film help prevent infections by fighting germs entering the eye.


Dry Eye Symptoms

People experience dry eye symptoms differently. They vary from one individual to another. Below are symptoms you can experience with dry eyes:


  • Burning or stinging sensation

  • Blurry eyesight

  • A feeling like you have a foreign object in your eye

  • Gritty or irritated eyes

  • Eye fatigue

  •  Sticky eyes

  • Red eyes

  • Excessively watery eyes

  • Light sensitivity



Various procedures and tests are necessary to help determine if you have dry eyes and the cause of the problem. Every patient’s case can be unique and may need custom treatment. Your ophthalmologist or optometrist can conduct a comprehensive eye exam to make the diagnosis. The testing will focus on evaluating the amount and quality of tears your eyes can produce.

Your eye specialist at Westchester Eyes will ask about your history to note your symptoms, general health, environmental factors, and the medications you take. Knowing all these details will help determine the cause of the problem. 

They will then examine your external eye, your blink dynamics, and the structure of the eyelid. Your cornea and eyelids are examined under magnification and a bright light.

Your eye doctor will measure the quality and quantity of your tears to check for abnormalities. They will observe tear flow by putting some dyes in your eyes to check for changes in your eye surface due to inadequate tears.


LidPro Eye Exfoliator 

Dry eyes can develop due to a condition called blepharitis. A biofilm layer develops due to bacteria overgrowth in your eyelashes and eyelids. The biofilm layer prevents the healthy production of tears. As a result, your eyes become dry, watery, gritty, and painful.

A LidPro eye exfoliator is a handheld device that gently exfoliates your lower and upper eyelid using cleaning discs with minimal friction. Patients receive the treatment every four to six months to help maintain healthy lashes and eyelids.



One of the most effective and safe dry eye treatments is MiBo Thermoflo. It helps break down clogged and hardened meibum in the glands. It improves the function and preservation of your tear film evaporative component by allowing the secretion of natural oils.

Patients experience immediate improvement after the first treatment. You will start to get a silky and smooth sensation in your eyes instead of the gritty and sandy feeling. Your eye health will improve due to the lubrication on your eye surface. As a result, your vision gets clear.

For more about dry eye treatment, visit Westchester Eyes at our office in White Plain, New York. Call (914) 732-1732 to book an appointment today.

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